Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The top painting "House on Hill" is on view in Chagrin Falls, Valley Arts Center, 48th Annual Juried Show.  It's closing soon on Dec. 8th.
"Northview" is in Columbus, at the Riffe Gallery 2019 Biennial Juried Exhibition up until Jan. 4th. And, "The Day After" is at Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, is in the Season Pass Members Show up until Dec. 22.  If you have some time and are in the area stop by and check out the shows..

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I wanted to share something I read:

"Picture the scene: the place, Constantinople; the year, 837.  A monk called Lazarus crawls on all fours towards the Church of St. John the Baptist.  Every movement is agony to a body beaten to a pulp by imperial guards.  His hands are burned to the bone after being forcibly held in fire.  What horrendous crime has this  monk committed to deserve such torture? ….  No, he is guilty of painting icons!
We know next to nothing about Lazarus apart from this event, but his story is a dramatic illustration both of the savagery of the iconoclast persecution and the heroism of those who supported the holy icons.  Lazarus struggles into the church on his knees and, ignoring the pain of third-degree burns, grasps a brush in black and blistered hands.  Quietly and reverently, he continues to work on the  icon he has just been punished for starting."

This was Lazarus the Painter taken from "Traveling Companions:  Walking with the Saints of  the Church" by Christopher Moorey

Thursday, September 26, 2019

This piece is in Priority Mail Art Biennial, Ground Floor Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, 343 5th Street, if your in the area the closing party is Sunday Sep. 29th, 1-3pm.  For more information the facebook link is

Monday, July 22, 2019

I have been experimenting with fluid acrylics and incorporating them into my paintings. My intrigue with fluid painting is that it's a one of a kind and you can never repeat it exactly. Cy Twombly is as artist that does paintings and drawing that are not reproducible and this always interested me, especially since my other work is easy to copy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

I made this piece especially for a show called "Seven" and I missed the deadline.  My bad.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

This photo was taken from an idea for another photo.  The surprises that occur when doing art are one of the highlights in the process of making art.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

On Tuesday, June 11th, Summit Artspace is celebrating the 10th Arts Alive Awards and fundraiser.  I submitted this collage for the event.  For more information about the celebration and silent auction go to

Saturday, May 4, 2019

This painting is now in the collection of Summa Health new tower.  The grand opening community event is  on Saturday May 18th from 11am to 3pm.  More information is available on their website

It's that time of year again, the 30th Annual International Invitational Salon of Small Works. The stipulation for the show is that the piece has to be 200 square inches or less.  My piece this year is 100 square inches.

I submitted this piece to the Rochester Contemporary Art Center 6x6 fundraiser.   The opening party and artwork sale is June 1st with all the info on

Friday, April 5, 2019

Come check out the 26th Annual Art-tini Auction fundraiser at  Harris Stanton Gallery.  The auction starts Thursday April 11th through Thursday April 18th with a closing vodka tasting party on the 18th.  More information on

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Just got back from the Monster Drawing Rally at Spaces Gallery.  It was great fun this year again!  I finished two drawings this year.  One hour actually gives you a lot of time to draw.   The rain didn't stop gallery goers tonight, it was packed full of people again. I love it.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

This is one of two photos accepted into a juried show at the Massillon Museum of Art called  "Looking at Massillon".  The parameters for the show was that the photo's had to be taken in Massillon or surrounding area.  These were taken in downtown  Massillon and continue in my study of houses.  The show opens today with more info on

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The flamingo originated in the paintings of houses.  When I first started paintings images of houses one of the things that interested me was when the house was hidden or obstructed by things such as trees, bushes and the suburban Featherstone flamingo.  The pink color, their unusual shape, their uncommonness all were interesting to me. National Pink Flamingo Day is June 23rd.


This is a photo of the side of a plastic Coca Cola cup.  The image  of the landscape was created from wear and tear from the use of the cup (used  for cleaning).  I thought the image was interesting and took a photo of it.

Friday, January 11, 2019

"Fresh 2019" opens tonight Jan. 11th at 5-8pm with a free artist reception at Summit Artspace in Akron.  More information at