Sunday, September 3, 2017

This painting I did as a commission from my original version which was 3ft x 4ft.  The commission is 24in x 30in and it turned out nicer in its compact version since it is very minimal.  The original idea for this painting was to depict the house with a very limited colors using only shades of red and white.

This photo is called "Tape Rose" for a specific reason.  This "flower" formed naturally from discarded tape that I use for my paintings.  After I pull of the tape off of my paintings I roll the tape in a ball and throw it away.  The last group of paintings I didn't throw away the tape rolls individually but I kept sticking them together because it reminded me of a sculpture.  And as I was going to throw away all the tape I noticed a flower had formed in one of the rolls so I took a photo of it. It was an interesting occurrence and a nice surprise. Also, it made its way to a photography show at the Summit Art Space this summer called "Photography Now".