Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I finally finished this painting. I started it about two years ago and I didn't know what to do with it so I put it in storage. I was looking at it wondering if I'll ever figure out what to do with it.  It's from a photo-collage, but the photo didn't help me either.  So I just started staring at it and answers started popping up as I looked at it more and more.  Then I started working on it again and it came to a finalization finally.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

This is a new piece that I sent to Kutztown PA for the annual Invitational Salon of Small Works. I used premeditated colors for the piece, but it still turned out different than I expected.  Many things can spark my inspiration for a piece and then I have to figure in other things such as time limitations or deadlines.  I chose this house for its simplicity and then I decided that I was going to make the painting in reds, whites, greys and black.

This painting is not recent. I have always been interested in drawing and painting trees. I like the way the branches grow and twist around as they move through space.  I want to document this painting because its in bad shape.  Unfortunately it has cracked badly and will not last too long.